JS实现支付密码输入框 常用支付效果
作者:鹏仔先生 日期:2020-06-02 10:11:12 浏览:2363 分类:JavaScript
本次代码特别感谢 温柔、善良、可爱、漂亮的小姐姐“小母”的帮助,下方是完整代码,大家可自行使用。
<style type="text/css"> .wrap{ margin: 10px auto; width: 329px; height: 640px; padding-top: 200px; } .inputBoxContainer{ width: 240px; height: 50px; margin: 0 auto; position: relative; } .inputBoxContainer .bogusInput{ width: 100%; height: 100%; border: #c3c3c3 1px solid; border-radius: 7px; -moz-border-radius: 7px; -webkit-border-radius: 7px; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; z-index: 0; } .inputBoxContainer .realInput{ width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; top:0; left: 0; z-index: 1; filter:alpha(opacity=0); -moz-opacity:0; opacity:0; } .inputBoxContainer .bogusInput input{ padding: 0; width: 16.3%; height: 100%; float:left; background: #ffffff; text-align: center; font-size: 20px; border: none; border-right: #C3C3C3 1px solid; } .inputBoxContainer .bogusInput input:last-child{ border: none; } .showValue{ width: 240px; height: 22px; line-height: 22px; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; } </style>
<body> <div class="wrap"> <div class="inputBoxContainer" id="inputBoxContainer"> <!-- 包裹六个小密码框的大框 --> <input type="text" class="realInput"/> <div class="bogusInput"> <!-- 六个小框,定位在了大框上 --> <input type="password" maxlength="6" disabled/> <input type="password" maxlength="6" disabled/> <input type="password" maxlength="6" disabled/> <input type="password" maxlength="6" disabled/> <input type="password" maxlength="6" disabled/> <input type="password" maxlength="6" disabled/> </div> </div> <!-- 显示输入的密码 --> <p class="showValue" id="showValue"></p> </div> </body>
<script> (function(){ var container = document.getElementById("inputBoxContainer"); boxInput = { maxLength:"", realInput:"", bogusInput:"", bogusInputArr:"", callback:"", init:function(fun){ //this指的是对象boxInput var that = this; this.callback = fun; that.realInput = container.children[0]; //大input框 that.bogusInput = container.children[1]; //六个小input框 that.bogusInputArr = that.bogusInput.children; //得到第一个小Input框的maxlength的值 that.maxLength = that.bogusInputArr[0].getAttribute("maxlength"); //当在大Input里输入值时执行的函数 that.realInput.oninput = function(){ that.setValue(); } //oninput的兼容写法 that.realInput.onpropertychange = function(){ that.setValue(); } }, setValue:function(){ // \D:意思是匹配一个非数字字符。当在大Inputk框里输入的是非数字字符时,用空字符串代替,即不显示 this.realInput.value = this.realInput.value.replace(/\D/g,""); //获取大Input框的值 var real_str = this.realInput.value; for(var i = 0 ; i < this.maxLength ; i++){ this.bogusInputArr[i].value = real_str[i]?real_str[i]:""; } if(real_str.length >= this.maxLength){ this.realInput.value = real_str.substring(0,6); this.callback(); } }, getBoxInputValue:function(){ var realValue = ""; for(var i in this.bogusInputArr){ if(!this.bogusInputArr[i].value){ break; } realValue += this.bogusInputArr[i].value; } return realValue; } } })() boxInput.init(function(){ getValue(); }); function getValue(){ document.getElementById("showValue").innerText = boxInput.getBoxInputValue(); } </script>
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