uniapp小程序实现录音 uniapp小程序长按录音 点击播放等功能(CSS实现语音音阶动画效果)
作者:鹏仔先生 日期:2021-07-09 17:25:39 浏览:6534 分类:JavaScript
<template> <view class="record-layer"> <view class="record-box"> <view class="record-btn-layer" v-if="tempFilePath == ''"> <button class="record-btn" :class="longPress == '1' ? 'record-btn-1' : 'record-btn-2'" @longpress="longpressBtn()" @touchend="touchendBtn()"> <image src="../../static/img/record-ico.png"/> <text>{{longPress == '1' ? '按住说话' : '说话中...'}}</text> </button> </view> <view class="record-btn-layer" v-else> <button class="record-btn" @longpress="delShow = true" @click="playBtn()" :class="playStatus == '1' ? 'record-btn-2' : 'record-btn-1'"> <image src="../../static/img/scale-ico.png"/> <text>{{playStatus == '1' ? (count+'s') : '点击播放'}}</text> </button> </view> <!-- 语音音阶动画 --> <view class="prompt-layer prompt-layer-1" v-if="longPress == '2'"> <view class="prompt-loader"> <view class="em" v-for="(item,index) in 15" :key="index"></view> </view> <text class="p">{{'剩余:' + count + 's'}}</text> <text class="span">松手结束录音</text> </view> <!-- 删除 --> <view class="prompt-layer prompt-layer-2" v-if="delShow" @click.stop="delBtn()"> <text>删除</text> </view> </view> </view> </template>
<script> const recorderManager = uni.getRecorderManager() const innerAudioContext = uni.createInnerAudioContext() var init // 录制时长计时器 var timer // 播放 录制倒计时 export default { data() { return { count: null, // 录制倒计时 longPress: '1', // 1显示 按住说话 2显示 说话中 delShow: false, // 删除提示框显示隐藏 time: 0, //录音时长 duration: 60000, //录音最大值ms 60000/1分钟 tempFilePath: '', //音频路径 playStatus: 0, //录音播放状态 0:未播放 1:正在播放 } }, methods: { // 倒计时 countdown(val){ let _then = this; _then.count = Number(val); timer = setInterval(function() { if(_then.count > 0){ _then.count-- } else { _then.longPress = '1'; clearInterval(timer); } }, 1000); }, // 长按录音事件 longpressBtn(){ this.longPress = '2'; this.countdown(60); // 倒计时 clearInterval(init) // 清除定时器 recorderManager.onStop((res) => { this.tempFilePath = res.tempFilePath; this.recordingTimer(this.time); }) const options = { duration: this.duration, // 指定录音的时长,单位 ms sampleRate: 16000, // 采样率 numberOfChannels: 1, // 录音通道数 encodeBitRate: 96000, // 编码码率 format: 'mp3', // 音频格式,有效值 aac/mp3 frameSize: 10, // 指定帧大小,单位 KB } this.recordingTimer(); recorderManager.start(options); // 监听音频开始事件 recorderManager.onStart((res) => { console.log(res) }) }, // 长按松开录音事件 touchendBtn(){ this.longPress = '1'; recorderManager.onStop((res) => { this.tempFilePath = res.tempFilePath }) this.recordingTimer(this.time) recorderManager.stop() }, recordingTimer(time){ var that = this; if (time == undefined) { // 将计时器赋值给init init = setInterval(function() { that.time++ }, 1000); } else { clearInterval(init) } }, // 删除录音 delBtn(){ this.delShow = false; this.time = 0 this.tempFilePath = '' this.playStatus = 0 innerAudioContext.stop() }, // 播放 playBtn(){ innerAudioContext.src = this.tempFilePath //在ios下静音时播放没有声音,默认为true,改为false就好了。 // innerAudioContext.obeyMuteSwitch = false //点击播放 if (this.playStatus == 0) { this.playStatus = 1; innerAudioContext.play(); this.countdown(this.time); // 倒计时 } else { this.playStatus = 0; innerAudioContext.pause() } // //播放结束 innerAudioContext.onEnded(() => { this.playStatus = 0; innerAudioContext.stop(); }) }, } } </script>
<style> /* 语音录制开始--------------------------------------------------------------------- */ .record-layer{ width: 100%; padding: 300px 0; box-sizing: border-box; } .record-box{ width: 100%; position: relative; } .record-btn-layer{ width: 100%; } .record-btn-layer button::after { border: none; } .record-btn-layer button{ font-size: 14px; line-height: 38px; width: 100%; height: 38px; border-radius: 8px; text-align: center; background: #FFD300; } .record-btn-layer button image{ width: 16px; height: 16px; margin-right: 4px; vertical-align: middle; } .record-btn-layer .record-btn-2{ background: rgba(255, 211, 0, 0.2); } /* 提示小弹窗 */ .prompt-layer{ border-radius: 8px; background: #FFD300; padding: 8px 16px; box-sizing: border-box; position: absolute; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); } .prompt-layer::after{ content: ''; display: block; border: 6px solid rgba(0,0,0,0); border-top-color: rgba(255, 211, 0, 1); position: absolute; bottom: -10px; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); } .prompt-layer-1{ font-size: 12px; width: 128px; text-align: center; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: center; top: -80px; } .prompt-layer-1 .p{ color: #000000; } .prompt-layer-1 .span{ color: rgba(0,0,0,.6); } .prompt-loader .em{ } /* 语音音阶------------- */ .prompt-loader { width: 96px; height: 20px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; margin-bottom: 6px; } .prompt-loader .em { display: block; background: #333333; width: 1px; height: 10%; margin-right: 2.5px; float: left; } .prompt-loader .em:last-child { margin-right: 0px; } .prompt-loader .em:nth-child(1) { animation: load 2.5s 1.4s infinite linear; } .prompt-loader .em:nth-child(2) { animation: load 2.5s 1.2s infinite linear; } .prompt-loader .em:nth-child(3) { animation: load 2.5s 1s infinite linear; } .prompt-loader .em:nth-child(4) { animation: load 2.5s 0.8s infinite linear; } .prompt-loader .em:nth-child(5) { animation: load 2.5s 0.6s infinite linear; } .prompt-loader .em:nth-child(6) { animation: load 2.5s 0.4s infinite linear; } .prompt-loader .em:nth-child(7) { animation: load 2.5s 0.2s infinite linear; } .prompt-loader .em:nth-child(8) { animation: load 2.5s 0s infinite linear; } .prompt-loader .em:nth-child(9) { animation: load 2.5s 0.2s infinite linear; } .prompt-loader .em:nth-child(10) { animation: load 2.5s 0.4s infinite linear; } .prompt-loader .em:nth-child(11) { animation: load 2.5s 0.6s infinite linear; } .prompt-loader .em:nth-child(12) { animation: load 2.5s 0.8s infinite linear; } .prompt-loader .em:nth-child(13) { animation: load 2.5s 1s infinite linear; } .prompt-loader .em:nth-child(14) { animation: load 2.5s 1.2s infinite linear; } .prompt-loader .em:nth-child(15) { animation: load 2.5s 1.4s infinite linear; } @keyframes load { 0% { height: 10%; } 50% { height: 100%; } 100% { height: 10%; } } /* 语音音阶-------------------- */ .prompt-layer-2{ top: -40px; } .prompt-layer-2 .text{ color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1); font-size: 12px; } /* 语音录制结束---------------------------------------------------------------- */ </style>
以上部分,转载请注明来源 鹏仔先生的博客 https://sharedbk.com/post/230.html
<template> <view class="sound-recording"> <view class="time">{{status==0?'录音时长':(status==3?'录音已完成':'正在录音中')}}:{{time}} 秒</view> <view class="btn"> <view :class="status==3?'show':'hide'" @click="reset" hover-class="jump-hover">重新录制</view> <view :class="status==3 && playStatus==0?'show':'hide'" @click="bofang" hover-class="jump-hover">{{playStatus==1?'录音播放中':'播放录音'}}</view> </view> <view class="progress"> <text class="txt">最大录音时长({{duration/1000}}秒 = {{duration/60000}}分钟)</text> <progress :percent="time*(100/(duration/1000))" border-radius="10" color="green" stroke-width="10" backgroundColor="#fff" /> </view> <view class="anniu"> <view :class="status==0?'row':'no-clicking'" @click="kaishi" hover-class="jump-hover">开始</view> <view :class="status==1?'row':'no-clicking'" @click="zanting" hover-class="jump-hover">暂停</view> <view :class="status==2?'row':'no-clicking'" @click="jixu" hover-class="jump-hover">继续</view> <view :class="status==1 || status==2?'row':'no-clicking'" @click="tingzhi" hover-class="jump-hover">停止</view> </view> </view> </template> <script> const recorderManager = uni.getRecorderManager() const innerAudioContext = uni.createInnerAudioContext() var init export default { data() { return { time: 0, //录音时长 duration: 600000, //录音最大值ms 600000/10分钟 tempFilePath: "", //音频路径 status: 0, //录音状态 0:未开始录音 1:正在录音 2:暂停录音 3:已完成录音 playStatus: 0, //录音播放状态 0:未播放 1:正在播放 } }, methods: { kaishi: function() { clearInterval(init) //清除定时器 //监听录音自动结束事件(如果不加,录音时间到最大值自动结束后,没获取到录音路径将无法正常进行播放) recorderManager.onStop((res) => { console.log('recorder stop', res) this.tempFilePath = res.tempFilePath this.status = 3 this.recordingTimer(this.time) }) const options = { duration: this.duration, //指定录音的时长,单位 ms sampleRate: 16000, //采样率 numberOfChannels: 1, //录音通道数 encodeBitRate: 96000, //编码码率 format: 'mp3', //音频格式,有效值 aac/mp3 frameSize: 10, //指定帧大小,单位 KB } this.recordingTimer() recorderManager.start(options) // 监听音频开始事件 recorderManager.onStart((res) => { console.log('recorder start') this.status = 1 }) console.log(this.status); }, /** * 暂停录音 */ zanting: function() { console.log('zanting'); recorderManager.onPause(() => { console.log('recorder pause') this.status = 2 }) this.recordingTimer(this.time) recorderManager.pause() }, /** * 继续录音 */ jixu: function() { this.status = 1 this.recordingTimer() recorderManager.resume() }, /** * 停止录音 */ tingzhi: function() { debugger recorderManager.onStop((res) => { console.log('recorder stop', res) this.tempFilePath = res.tempFilePath this.status = 3 }) this.recordingTimer(this.time) recorderManager.stop() }, /** * 播放录音 */ bofang: function() { //音频地址 console.log(this.tempFilePath); innerAudioContext.src = this.tempFilePath //在ios下静音时播放没有声音,默认为true,改为false就好了。 // innerAudioContext.obeyMuteSwitch = false //点击播放 if (this.playStatus == 0) { this.playStatus = 1 innerAudioContext.play() } // //播放结束 innerAudioContext.onEnded(() => { innerAudioContext.stop() this.playStatus = 0 }) }, recordingTimer: function(time) { var that = this if (time == undefined) { //将计时器赋值给init init = setInterval(function() { var time = that.time + 1; that.time = time }, 1000); } else { clearInterval(init) console.log("暂停计时") } }, /** * 重新录制 */ reset: function() { var that = this wx.showModal({ title: "重新录音", content: "是否重新录制?", success(res) { if (res.confirm) { that.time = 0 that.tempFilePath = '' that.status = 0 that.playStatus = 0 innerAudioContext.stop() } } }) } } } </script> <style> .sound-recording { background-color: rgb(234, 234, 234); margin: 10rpx 30rpx; border-radius: 20rpx; padding: 5rpx 0rpx; } .btn { margin: 0rpx 100rpx; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; } .btn .show { padding: 10rpx; width: 200rpx; font-size: 25rpx; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background-color: rgb(178, 228, 228); border-radius: 20rpx; border: 5rpx solid rgb(127, 204, 214); } .btn .hide { padding: 10rpx; width: 200rpx; font-size: 25rpx; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; border-radius: 20rpx; border: 5rpx solid #eee; pointer-events: none; background-color: rgba(167, 162, 162, 0.445); } .time { line-height: 70rpx; text-align: center; font-size: 30rpx; } .progress { margin: 20rpx; } .play { margin: 0rpx 20rpx; } .txt { display: flex; justify-content: center; line-height: 60rpx; font-size: 25rpx; } .anniu { margin: 10rpx 50rpx; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; } .row { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; border-radius: 50%; font-size: 25rpx; width: 80rpx; height: 80rpx; background-color: rgb(178, 228, 228); border: 5rpx solid rgb(127, 204, 214); } .jump-hover { transform: scale(0.9); } /*禁止点击*/ .anniu .no-clicking { pointer-events: none; background-color: rgba(167, 162, 162, 0.445); display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; border-radius: 50%; font-size: 25rpx; width: 80rpx; height: 80rpx; border: 5rpx solid rgb(241, 244, 245); } </style>
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