我无法在我的语音识别代码中生成 google/youtube 的研究结果
我正在尝试构建一个聊天机器人,它可以与人们互动并帮助他们快速更新。下面是我用来从 youtube/google 获取搜索结果的代码。请告诉我问题出在哪里?
import speech_recognitionimport pyttsx3import pywhatkitfrom wikipedia import wikipediaimport wikipedia as googlescrapimport webbrowserengine = pyttsx3.init("sapi5")voices = engine.getproperty("voices")engine.setproperty("voice", voices[1].id)engine.setproperty("rate", 150)def speak(audio): engine.say(audio) engine.runandwait()def takecommand(): r = speech_recognition.recognizer() with speech_recognition.microphone() as source: print("listening.............") r.pause_threshold = 1 r.energy_threshold = 300 audio = r.listen(source,0,4) try: print("understanding............") query = r.recognize_google(audio, language='en-in') print(f"you said: {query}") except exception as e: print("say that again") speak("say that again") return "none" return queryquery = takecommand().lower()def googlesearch(query): if "google" in query: query = query.replace("maya", "") query = query.replace("google search", "") query = query.replace("google", "") speak("this is what i found on google.....") try: pywhatkit.search(query) result = googlescrap.summary(query,sentences=2) speak("according to google..........") speak(result) except: speak("no speakable output available")def youtubesearch(query): if "youtube" in query: query = query.replace("maya", "") query = query.replace("youtube search", "") query = query.replace("youtube", "") speak("this is what i found for your search!") web = "https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=" + query webbrowser.open(web) pywhatkit.playonyt(query) speak("done, sir")
import pyttsx3import speech_recognitionengine = pyttsx3.init("sapi5")voices = engine.getProperty("voices")engine.setProperty("voice", voices[1].id)engine.setProperty("rate", 150)def speak(audio): engine.say(audio) engine.runAndWait() def takeCommand(): r = speech_recognition.Recognizer() with speech_recognition.Microphone() as source: print("listening.............") r.pause_threshold = 1 r.energy_threshold = 300 audio = r.listen(source,0,4) try: print("Understanding............") query = r.recognize_google(audio, language='en-in') print(f"You said: {query}") # speak(query) except Exception as e: print("Say that again") return "None" return queryif __name__ == "__main__": while True: query = takeCommand().lower() if "wake up" in query: from maya_greeting import greetMe greetMe() while True: query = takeCommand().lower() if "go to sleep" in query: speak("Ok sir, You can call me anytime...") break elif "hello" in query: speak("Hello Sir, how are you?") elif "i am fine" in query: speak("That's really great to know sir....") elif "how are you": speak("i am perfectly alright sir.") elif "thank you" in query: speak("you're welcome sir") elif "google" in query: from maya_google_search import Googlesearch Googlesearch(query) elif "youtube" in query: from maya_google_search import Youtubesearch Youtubesearch(query) elif "wikipedia" in query: from maya_google_search import Wikisearch Wikisearch(query)
如果我说 google sundar pichai,它只会打印我所说的内容,并说我很好,先生,或者什么也没有。
elif "how are you":
elif "how are you" in query:
然后您需要添加最后的 else 语句,以防前面的条件都没有触发