
使用 CSS 将文本长度限制设置为 N 行

百变鹏仔 4周前 (09-20) #CSS
文章标签 设置为





用户可以按照以下语法使用 CSS 将文本限制设置为 N 行。


overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;display: -webkit-box;-webkit-line-clamp: 3;-webkit-box-orient: vertical;

在上面的语法中,我们将溢出设置为隐藏,‘text-overflow: elipsis’来截断文本。 “-webkit-line-clamp”属性的值显示要显示的行数。

示例 1

在下面的示例中,我们仅显示一行文本。我们将截断其他文本。我们将 300px 设置为 div 元素的宽度,隐藏为溢出,省略号为 text-overflow 属性。此外,我们使用“white-space”属性和“no-wrap”值来仅在单行中显示文本。

<html><head>   <style>      div {         height: auto;         width: 300px;         overflow: hidden;         text-overflow: ellipsis;         white-space: nowrap;         background-color: red;         color: white;         padding: 10px;      }   </style></head><body>   <h2>Limiting the text length to 1 line using CSS</h2>   <div>This is a div containing multiple lines of text. The text visibility is limited to 1 line only.</div></body></html>

Example 2



在下面的示例中,我们展示了N行被截断的文本。我们像第一个示例一样向div元素添加了文本。之后,我们使用了“webkit-line-clamp”CSS属性来设置行数,而不是使用“white-space: no-wrap”CSS属性。


<html><head>   <style>      div {         overflow: hidden;         text-overflow: ellipsis;         display: -webkit-box;         line-height: 20px;         max-height: 100px;         padding: 4px 10px;         max-width: 400px;         background-color: aqua;         -webkit-line-clamp: 3;         -webkit-box-orient: vertical;      }   </style></head><body>   <h3>Limiting the text length to N line using CSS</h3>   <div>Git is a popular version control system used to track changes in code or other files. It allows multiple      developers to work on the same project simultaneously, without overwriting each other's changes. Git uses a      distributed architecture, which means that each developer has their own local copy of the repository, and      changes can be easily merged together.</div></body></html>

Example 3





<html><head>   <style>      .card {         background-color: grey;         width: 400px;         height: 80px;         display: flex;         border-radius: 12px;         box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19);         text-align: left;         justify-content: center;      }      .img {         width: 130px;         height: 70px;         margin-right: 30px;         padding: 5px;      }      img {         width: 100%;         height: 100%;      }      .content {         width: 450px;         height: 70px;         overflow: hidden;         text-overflow: ellipsis;         display: -webkit-box;         -webkit-line-clamp: 4;         -webkit-box-orient: vertical;      }   </style></head><body>   <h2>Limiting the text length to N line using CSS</h3>   <div class = "card">      <div class = "img">         <img src = "" alt = "img">      </div>      <div class = "content">         This is an information about the image. Whatever text will fit to the div, it will be shown. If the text is         more than the div, then it will be hidden and the text will be shown as ellipsis.      </div>   </div></body></html>

用户学会了将文本截断为多行。我们可以使用‘overflow:hidden’和‘text-overflow:elipsis’CSS属性来截断文本。此外,我们需要使用“white-space: no-wrap”来截断单行文本,并使用“webkit-line-clamp:lines”CSS属性将文本截断为多行。