
如何在 CSS 中设置旋转元素的基本位置?

百变鹏仔 4周前 (09-20) #CSS
文章标签 元素

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a powerful tool that provides a range of effects to create beautiful, dynamic web pages. One of the most important tools in the CSS is the ability to rotate elements. Rotating elements, create a unique designs and animations that capture users' attention and help communicate the message. Here, we will explore how to set a rotated element's base placement in CSS.


The Transform property allows to apply various transformations to elements, including rotation, scaling, and skewing. When a transform is applied to an element, the base location of the element changes, making it difficult to position the element correctly.

Rotate, scale, skew and translate are sub-properties of the transform property. Here, we will focus on the rotated sub-property. Rotate property allows to rotate an element around a fixed point on the page.


To rotate an element in CSS, the transform property is used with the rotate() function.



<style>   scc-selector{      transform: rotate(angle);   }</style>

在这里,"angle" 是以度为单位指定要应用于元素的旋转量。

For example, the following code will rotate an element by 30 degrees −

.rotate {   transform: rotate(30deg);}

Rotated element's position is adjusted according to the rotation angle. This can cause the element to shift from its original position, which can be problematic to keep it properly.




  • The base position of the rotated element determines where it is anchored in relation to its container. By default, the base placement is set to the center of the element. However, the base placement can be adjusted using the transform-origin property. This is important because it can affect how the element is positioned on the page.

  • 使用 transform-origin 属性来调整旋转元素的基本位置

  • The transform-origin property can be used to adjust the base position of a rotated element. This property specifies the point around which an element is rotated. By default, the base placement is the center of the element, which means the element is rotated around its center point.

  • To adjust the base placement, we can set the transform-origin property to a different value.

The following code will set the base placement to the top left corner of the element −

.placed {   transform-origin: top left;   transform: rotate(30deg);}

Let's take a look at some examples of setting a rotated element's base placement in CSS.



<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>   <style>      body { text-align: center; }      .outer-line {         position: relative;         height: 200px;         width: 200px;         margin: auto;         padding: 5px;         border: 4px solid #fbf;      }      #box {         width: 100px;         height: 100px;         background-color: red;         transform: rotate(30deg);      }   </style></head>   <body>      <h3>The square is rotated by 30 degrees around its center point</h3>      <div class="outer-line">         <div id="box"></div>      </div>   </body></html>

Example 2: Rotating an element around its bottom-right corner

In this example, we rotate the square by 30 degrees using the transform property, and then set the transform-origin property to bottom right.

<html><head>   <style>      body { text-align: center; }      .outer-line {         position: relative;         height: 200px;         width: 200px;         margin: auto;         padding: 5px;         border: 4px solid #fbf;      }      #box {         width: 100px; height: 100px;         background-color: red;         transform: rotate(30deg);         transform-origin: bottom right;         position: absolute;         bottom: 50px;         right: 50px;      }   </style></head>   <body>      <h3>The square is rotated by 30 degrees around its bottom-right corner</h3>      <div class="outer-line">         <div id="box"></div>      </div>   </body></html>

Example 3: Rotating animation that changes the element's base placement

In this example, we create a square with a red background color in a container and set its initial position using position: absolute, top, and left values. We also set its width and height to 100px, and then use the animation property to apply a keyframe animation called rotate. This animation runs for 2 seconds and repeats infinitely.


<html><head>   <style>      body { text-align: center; }      .container {         position: relative;         height: 200px;         width: 200px;         margin: auto;         padding: 5px;         border: 4px solid #fbf;      }      .sqr {         position: absolute;         top: 50px;         left: 50px;         width: 100px;         height: 100px;         background-color: red;         animation: rotate 2s infinite;      }      @keyframes rotate {         0% {            transform: rotate(0deg);            transform-origin: center;         }         50% {            transform: rotate(180deg);            transform-origin: top left;         }         100% {            transform: rotate(360deg);            transform-origin: bottom right;         }      }   </style></head>   <body>      <h3>Rotating animation that changes the element's base placement</h3>      <div class="container">         <div class="sqr"></div>      </div>   </body></html>

