NGRX 的信号存储 - 主要概念细分
与 ngrx 全球商店相比如何?
ngrx signal store 的创建者,marko stanimirovic 在这里描述了 ngrx signalstore:深入了解 angular 中基于信号的状态管理
让我们通过代码示例来探索商店的 api。我们将使用一个包含产品列表和过滤功能的项目。
import { signalstore } from "@ngrx/signals";export const productstore = signalstore( … );
与迄今为止的任何 ngrx store 一样,可以使用函数 withstate 来提供初始状态,该函数接受对象文字、记录或工厂函数(用于创建动态初始状态)作为输入。
import { signalstore, withstate } from "@ngrx/signals";const initialproductstate: productstate = { products: [] };export const productstore = signalstore( withstate(initialproductstate););
import { signalstore, withcomputed, withstate } from "@ngrx/signals";export const productstore = signalstore( withstate(initialproductstate), withcomputed(({products}) => ({ averageprice: computed(() => { const total = products().reduce((acc, p) => acc + p.price, 0); return total / products().length; }) })),
import { signalstore, withcomputed, withstate, withmethods } from "@ngrx/signals";export const productstore = signalstore( withstate(initialproductstate), withcomputed(({products}) => ({ averageprice: computed(() => { const total = products().reduce((acc, p) => acc + p.price, 0); return total / products().length; }) })), // crud operations withmethods((store, productservice = inject(productservice), ) => ({ loadproducts: () => { const products = tosignal(productservice.loadproducts()) patchstate(store, { products: products() }) }, addproduct: (product: product) => { patchstate(store, { products: [, product] }); }, // ... })),
withmethods & withcompulated 获取工厂函数并返回可以使用存储访问的方法和计算信号的字典。它们还在注入上下文中运行,这使得可以将依赖项注入到它们中。
用 hooks 挂钩
import { withhooks } from "@ngrx/signals"; export const productstore = signalstore( withhooks((store) => ({ oninit() { // load products when the store is initialized store.loadproducts(); }, })),);
export const productstorewithentities = signalstore( withentities<product>(), // crud operations withmethods((store, productservice = inject(productservice), ) => ({ loadproducts: () => { const products = tosignal(productservice.loadproducts())(); patchstate(store, setallentities(products || [])); }, updateproduct: (product: product) => { productservice.updateproduct(product); patchstate(store, setentity(product)); }, })),</product>
使用signalstorefeature 创建自定义功能
signalstorefeature - 用于扩展商店的功能。对于大型企业应用程序来说,商店可能会变得复杂且难以管理。在为项目编写功能和组件时,拆分得越好、越细,就越容易管理、维护代码和为其编写测试。但是,考虑到 signalstore 提供的 api,除非相应地拆分代码,否则存储可能会变得难以管理。 signalstorefeature 适合将功能(或组件)的特定功能提取到独立的可测试函数中,该函数可能(并且理想情况下)可以在其他商店中重用。export const productstore = signalstore( // previous defined state and methods // externalizing filtering options withfilteringoptions(),);export function withfilteringoptions() { return signalstorefeature( // filtering operations withmethods(() => ({ getproductsbetweenpricerange: (lowprice: number, highprice: number, products: array<product>, ) => { return products.filter(p => p.price >= lowprice && p.price ) => { return products.filter(p => p.category === category); }, })), );}</product>
signalstorefeature 的示例,它展示了跨多个商店重用 signalstorefeature 的可能性。
从“@ngrx/signals”导入{ patchstate, signalstorefeature, withmethods };export function withCrudOperations() { return signalStoreFeature( withMethods((store) => ({ load: (crudService: CrudOperations) => crudService.load(), update: (crudableObject: CRUD, crudService: CrudOperations) => { crudService.update(crudableObject); patchState(store, setEntity(crudableObject)); }, }), ));}export interface CrudOperations { load(): void; update(crudableObject: CRUD): void;}// Product & Customer services must extend the same interface.export class ProductService implements CrudOperations { load(): void { console.log('load products'); } update(): void { console.log('update products'); }}export class CustomerService implements CrudOperations { load(): void { console.log('load customers'); } update(): void { console.log('update customers'); }}// and now let’s add this feature in our storesexport const ProductStore = signalStore( withCrudOperations(),);export const CustomerStore = signalStore( withCrudOperations(),);
signalstate 的更轻量级替代方案
结论性想法对于大型应用程序来说,它的可靠性还有待证明,尤其是作为全球商店应用时。目前我认为这是对默认 signal api 的一个很好的补充,使其成为管理的一个不错的选择: 其他资源:关于该主题的 4 篇文章)