
通用编码标准 JavaScript

百变鹏仔 3天前 #JavaScript
文章标签 标准


  1. 有意义的名字:
   // good   const userage = 25;   function calculatetotalprice(items) { ... }   // bad   const a = 25;   function calc(items) { ... }
  1. 一致的命名约定:
   const userage = 25;   function calculatetotalprice(items) { ... }   class userprofile { ... }
  1. 避免重复:
   // good   function calculatediscount(price, discount) { ... }   const price1 = calculatediscount(100, 10);   const price2 = calculatediscount(200, 20);   // bad   const price1 = 100 - 10;   const price2 = 200 - 20;
  1. 错误处理:
   async function fetchdata() {     try {       const response = await fetch('api/url');       const data = await response.json();       return data;     } catch (error) {       console.error('error fetching data:', error);     }   }
  1. 边缘情况:
   function getuserage(user) {     if (!user || !user.age) {       return 'age not available';     }     return user.age;   }
  1. 一致的格式:
   if (condition) {     dosomething();   } else {     dosomethingelse();   }


  1. 模块化:
   // utils.js   export function calculatediscount(price, discount) { ... }   // main.js   import { calculatediscount } from './utils.js';
  1. 关注点分离:
   // ui.js   function updateui(data) { ... }   // data.js   async function fetchdata() { ... }   // main.js   import { updateui } from './ui.js';   import { fetchdata } from './data.js';


  1. 使用严格模式:
   'use strict';
  1. 使用常量:
   const max_users = 100;
  1. 避免全局变量:
   // good   (function() {     const localvariable = 'this is local';   })();   // bad   var globalvariable = 'this is global';
  1. 评论和文档:
   /**    * calculates the total price after applying a discount.    * @param {number} price - the original price.    * @param {number} discount - the discount to apply.    * @returns {number} - the total price after discount.    */   function calculatetotalprice(price, discount) { ... }
  1. 使用 promises 和异步/等待进行错误处理:
   // good   async function fetchdata() {     try {       const response = await fetch('api/url');       const data = await response.json();       return data;     } catch (error) {       console.error('error fetching data:', error);     }   }   // bad   function fetchdata(callback) {     fetch('api/url')       .then(response => response.json())       .then(data => callback(data))       .catch(error => console.error('error fetching data:', error));   }
  1. 对象解构:
   // Good   const vehicle = { make: 'Toyota', model: 'Camry' };   const { make, model } = vehicle;   // Bad   const vehicleMake = vehicle.make;   const vehicleModel = vehicle.model;

通过遵循这些标准,您可以确保您的 javascript 代码干净、可维护且高效。