

百变鹏仔 4周前 (09-22) #HTML
文章标签 按钮


task we are making the image to act as a button, When the user clicks the button, theform is sent to the server. Let's look into it.




By using the tag we can include an image on a HTML page. Images are not actually embedded in the webpages; instead, they are connected to them via predetermined paths. The tag consists of two required attributes namely src and alt.


Following is the syntax for tag


<img src=”..” alt=”..”>


A clickable button is defined by the tag. You can insert text (as well as tags like , , ,
and etc.) inside a element. With a button made with the element, that is not feasible!

Let’s look into the examples for understanding of image button with HTML5.

Example 1


<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>   <p>Click On The Image</p>   <button onclick="JavaScript:alert('DONT HUNT ANIMALS')">   <img    style="max-width:90%"  style="max-width:90%" src="" alt="animal">   <br>LOVE ANIMALS</button></body></html>

When the script gets executed, it will generate an output displaying the image button with text on it along with a prompt on the webpage.

When the user clicks the image button, the event gets triggered and displays an alert "Don’t hunt animals".

Example 2


<!DOCTYPE html><html><body style="text-align: center">   <h2>creating an image Button with HTML5?</h2>   <form>      USERNAME:      <input type="name" /><br><br>      PASSWORD:      <input type="password" /><br><br>      <input type="image" src=      ""      height="80px" width="110px"      alt="submit" />   </form></body></html>

When the script gets executed, it will generate an output displaying the input field for username and password along with an image button on the webpage. When the user clicks the image button, the form gets submitted to the server.

Example 3
