分析的主要阶段总是或多或少相同的:- 测量执行时间
- 。执行不同的代码零件需要多少时间? 分析内存使用
- 。程序的不同部分消耗了多少内存?识别瓶颈 。代码的哪些部分减慢了程序或使用太多资源?
- >>性能优化 。采取措施根据获得的数据提高执行速度和资源利用效率。
- 有限数量的异步代码的特定瓶颈。让我们将每种类型与代码示例匹配。 >
import asyncioimport timeasync def main(): print('start') # blocking call time.sleep(3) # this blocks the entire event loop print('end')asyncio.run(main())
import asyncioimport aiohttpasync def fetch(session, url): async with session.get(url) as response: return await response.text()async def main(): urls = ["http://medium.com"] * 10 async with aiohttp.clientsession() as session: # inefficient: sequential requests for url in urls: await fetch(session, url)asyncio.run(main())
过度上下文切换import asyncioimport aiohttpasync def fetch(session, url): async with session.get(url) as response: return await response.text()async def main(): urls = ["http://medium.com"] * 10 async with aiohttp.clientsession() as session: # inefficient: sequential requests for url in urls: await fetch(session, url)asyncio.run(main())
import asyncioasync def tiny_task(): await asyncio.sleep(0.0001)async def main(): # excessive context switching due to many small tasks await asyncio.gather(*(tiny_task() for _ in range(100000)))asyncio.run(main())
资源饥饿import asyncioasync def tiny_task(): await asyncio.sleep(0.0001)async def main(): # excessive context switching due to many small tasks await asyncio.gather(*(tiny_task() for _ in range(100000)))asyncio.run(main())
import asyncioasync def long_running_task(): await asyncio.sleep(10) print("long task executed")async def quick_task(): await asyncio.sleep(1) print("quick task executed")async def main(): await asyncio.gather( long_running_task(), quick_task() # may be delayed excessively )asyncio.run(main())
内存开销import asyncioasync def long_running_task(): await asyncio.sleep(10) print("long task executed")async def quick_task(): await asyncio.sleep(1) print("quick task executed")async def main(): await asyncio.gather( long_running_task(), quick_task() # may be delayed excessively )asyncio.run(main())
import asyncioasync def large_data_task(): data = "lorep ipsum" * 10**8 # large memory usage await asyncio.sleep(1)async def main(): tasks = [large_data_task() for _ in range(100)] # high memory consumption await asyncio.gather(*tasks)asyncio.run(main())
- 顺便说一句,探查者一般如何工作?>单独的文章将专门用于详细的评论,因为现在我们可以将自己限制在基本分类中:import asyncioasync def large_data_task(): data = "lorep ipsum" * 10**8 # large memory usage await asyncio.sleep(1)async def main(): tasks = [large_data_task() for _ in range(100)] # high memory consumption await asyncio.gather(*tasks)asyncio.run(main())
>您可以立即看到问题线,并立即阻止呼叫 - python的2%,在系统呼叫中的98%的时间。
>这里有点复杂。您可以看到90%的时间用于系统调用,但是该行已更改 - 现在它是本身。最好是记住这种剖面输出的模式。
我们看到内存消耗如何在>中增长 - 任务的“拆分”太贪婪了。
> 资源饥饿
>应该注意的是,对于三种情况 - “
依次调用异步任务>”和“> resource starvation
”相同的图片 - 系统%>> python%。澄清原因实际上需要开发人员。如果您知道瓶颈的主要类型,并且准备仔细阅读profiler输出,那么python并不是一项艰巨且相当令人愉快的任务。