Python 日期和时间用法超强总结
时间无疑是生活各个方面中最关键的因素之一,因此,记录和跟踪时间变得非常重要。在 Python 中,可以通过其内置库跟踪日期和时间。今天我们来介绍关于 Python 中的日期和时间,一起来了解如何使用time和datetime模块查找和修改日期和时间。
Python 中处理日期和时间的模块
Python 提供了time和datetime模块,可以帮助我们轻松获取和修改日期和时间,下面让我们来逐一了解一下。
time 模块
function | Description |
time() | 返回自epoch以来经过的秒数 |
ctime() | 以经过的秒数作为参数,返回当前日期和时间 |
sleep() | 在给定的持续时间内停止线程的执行 |
time.struct_time Class | 函数要么将此类作为参数,要么将其作为输出返回 |
localtime() | 以自epoch以来经过的秒数作为参数,并以时间形式返回日期和时间。struct_time格式 |
gmtime() | 与localtime()类似,返回时间。UTC格式的struct_time |
mktime() | ocaltime()的倒数。获取包含9个参数的元组,并返回自epoch pas输出以来经过的秒数 |
asctime() | 获取包含9个参数的元组,并返回表示相同参数的字符串 |
strftime() | 获取包含9个参数的元组,并根据使用的格式代码返回表示相同参数的字符串 |
strptime() | 分析字符串并及时返回。struct_time格式 |
Code | Description | Example |
%a | Weekday (short version) | Mon |
%A | Weekday (full version) | Monday |
%b | Month (short version) | Aug |
%B | Month (full version) | August |
%c | Local date and time version | Tue Aug 23 1:31:40 2019 |
%d | Depicts the day of the month (01-31) | 07 |
%f | Microseconds | 000000-999999 |
%H | Hour (00-23) | 15 |
%I | Hour (00-11) | 3 |
%j | Day of the year | 235 |
%m | Month Number (01-12) | 07 |
%M | Minutes (00-59) | 44 |
%p | AM / PM | AM |
%S | Seconds (00-59) | 23 |
%U | Week number of the year starting from Sunday (00-53) | 12 |
%w | Weekday number of the week | Monday (1) |
%W | Week number of the year starting from Monday (00-53) | 34 |
%x | Local date | 06/07/22 |
%X | Local time | 12:30:45 |
%y | Year (short version) | 22 |
%Y | Year (full version) | 2022 |
%z | UTC offset | +0100 |
%Z | Timezone | CST |
%% | % Character | % |
struct_time 类具有以下属性:
Attribute | Value |
tm_year | 0000, .., 2019, …, 9999 |
tm_mon | 1-12 |
tm_mday | 1-31 |
tm_hour | 0-23 |
tm_min | 0-59 |
tm_sec | 0-61 |
tm_wday | 0-6 (Monday is 0) |
tm_yday | 1-366 |
tm_isdst | 0, 1, -1 (daylight savings time, -1 when unknown) |
现在让我们看几个 time 模块的例子。
使用上表中描述的内置函数和格式化代码,可以在 Python 中轻松获取日期和时间。
import time#timea=time.time() #total seconds since epochprint("Seconds since epoch :",a,end='n----------n')#ctimeprint("Current date and time:")print(time.ctime(a),end='n----------n') #sleeptime.sleep(1) #execution will be delayed by one second#localtimeprint("Local time :")print(time.localtime(a),end='n----------n')#gmtimeprint("Local time in UTC format :")print(time.gmtime(a),end='n-----------n')#mktimeb=(2019,8,6,10,40,34,1,218,0)print("Current Time in seconds :")print( time.mktime(b),end='n----------n')#asctimeprint("Current Time in local format :")print( time.asctime(b),end='n----------n')#strftimec = time.localtime() # get struct_timed = time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S", c)print("String representing date and time:")print(d,end='n----------n')#strptimeprint("time.strptime parses string and returns it in struct_time format :n")e = "06 AUGUST, 2019"f = time.strptime(e, "%d %B, %Y")print(f)
Seconds since epoch : 1565070251.7134922———-Current date and time:Tue Aug 6 11:14:11 2019———-Local time :time.struct_time(tm_year=2019, tm_mon=8, tm_mday=6, tm_hour=11, tm_min=14, tm_sec=11, tm_wday=1, tm_yday=218, tm_isdst=0)———-Local time in UTC format :time.struct_time(tm_year=2019, tm_mon=8, tm_mday=6, tm_hour=5, tm_min=44, tm_sec=11, tm_wday=1, tm_yday=218, tm_isdst=0)———–Current Time in seconds :1565068234.0———-Current Time in local format :Tue Aug 6 10:40:34 2019———-String representing date and time:08/06/2019, 11:14:12———-time.strptime parses string and returns it in struct_time format :time.struct_time(tm_year=2019, tm_mon=8, tm_mday=6, tm_hour=0, tm_min=0, tm_sec=0, tm_wday=1, tm_yday=218, tm_isdst=-1)
datetime 模块
function | Description |
datetime() | datetime 的构造函数 | | 返回当前本地日期和时间 | | 返回当前本地日期和时间 |
date() | 以年、月、日为参数,创建相应的日期 |
time() | 以小时、分钟、秒、微秒和tzinfo作为参数,并创建相应的日期 |
date.fromtimestamp() | 转换秒数以返回相应的日期和时间 |
timedelta() | 它是不同日期或时间之间的差异(持续时间) |
使用 datetime 查找日期和时间
现在,让我们尝试实现这些函数,以使用datetime模块在 Python 中查找日期和时间。
import datetime#datetime constructorprint("Datetime constructor:n")print(datetime.datetime(2019,5,3,8,45,30,234),end='n----------n') #todayprint("The current date and time using today :n")print(,end='n----------n') #nowprint("The current date and time using today :n")print(,end='n----------n') #dateprint("Setting date :n")print(,11,7),end='n----------n')#timeprint("Setting time :n")print(datetime.time(6,30,23),end='n----------n') #date.fromtimestampprint("Converting seconds to date and time:n")print(,end='n----------n') #timedeltab1=datetime.timedelta(days=30, seconds=0, microseconds=0, milliseconds=0, minutes=0, hours=4, weeks=8)b2=datetime.timedelta(days=3, seconds=0, microseconds=0, milliseconds=0, minutes=0, hours=4, weeks=8)b3=b2-b1print(type(b3))print("The resultant duration = ",b3,end='n----------n') #1print(a)print("The year is :",a.year) print("Hours :",a.hour)
Datetime constructor:2019-05-03 08:45:30.000234———-The current date and time using today :2019-08-06 13:09:56.651691———-The current date and time using today :2019-08-06 13:09:56.651691———-Setting date :2019-11-07———-Setting time :06:30:23———-Converting seconds to date and time:1970-09-29———-<class>The resultant duration = -27 days, 0:00:00———-2019-08-06 13:09:56.653694The year is : 2019Hours : 13</class>