Using The List Comprehension
Defining a list first.
Use the list comprehension.
For applying two different sides right(i-index) and left(i+index).
Print the output list.
list_1 = [list_1[(i + 3) % len(list_1)]
#For right rotate
list_1 = [list_1[(i - 3) % len(list_1)]
Here, in this code we have used the list comprehension to rotate the elements in a list that is the right and left rotate. For loop is used to iterate through the list of elements.
list_1 = [10, 14, 26, 37, 42]print (" Primary list : " + str(list_1))list_1 = [list_1[(i + 3) % len(list_1)] for i, x in enumerate(list_1)]print ("Output of the list after left rotate by 3 : " + str(list_1))list_1 = [list_1[(i - 3) % len(list_1)] for i, x in enumerate(list_1)]print ("Output of the list after right rotate by 3(back to primary list) : "+str(list_1))list_1 = [list_1[(i + 2) % len(list_1)] for i, x in enumerate(list_1)]print ("Output of the list after left rotate by 2 : " + str(list_1))list_1 = [list_1[(i - 2) % len(list_1)] for i, x in enumerate(list_1)]print ("Output of the list after right rotate by 2 : "+ str(list_1))
Primary list : [10, 14, 26, 37, 42]Output of the list after left rotate by 3 : [37, 42, 10, 14, 26]Output of the list after right rotate by 3(back to primary list) : [10, 14, 26, 37, 42]Output of the list after left rotate by 2 : [26, 37, 42, 10, 14]Output of the list after right rotate by 2 : [10, 14, 26, 37, 42]
Here, in this code we have used the list comprehension to rotate the elements in a list that is the right and left rotate. For loop is used to iterate through the list of elements.
This specific technique is the standard technique. With the rotation number, it simply joins the later-sliced component to the earlier-sliced part.
Defining a list first.
Use slicing method.
#左旋转 -
list_1 = list_1[3:] + list_1[:3]
#右旋转 -
list_1 = list_1[-3:] + list_1[:-3]
The following program rearranges the elements of a list. The original list is [11, 34, 26, 57, 92]. First rotate 3 units to the left. That is, the first three elements are moved to the end, resulting in [57, 92, 11, 34, 26]. Then rotate right by 3 so the last three elements move back and forth to their original positions [11,34,26,57,92].
然后向右旋转2次,使最后两个元素向前移动,得到 [26, 57, 92, 11, 34]。最后向左旋转1次,将一个元素从开头移到末尾,得到 [57, 92, 11, 34, 26]。
list_1 = [11, 34, 26, 57, 92]print (" Primary list : " + str(list_1))list_1 = list_1[3:] + list_1[:3]print ("Output of the list after left rotate by 3 : " + str(list_1))list_1 = list_1[-3:] + list_1[:-3]print ("Output of the list after right rotate by 3(back to Primary list) : "+str(list_1))list_1 = list_1[-2:] + list_1[:-2]print ("Output of the list after right rotate by 2 : "+ str(list_1))list_1 = list_1[1:] + list_1[:1]print ("Output of the list after left rotate by 1 : " + str(list_1))
Primary list : [11, 34, 26, 57, 92]Output of the list after left rotate by 3 : [57, 92, 11, 34, 26]Output of the list after right rotate by 3(back to Primary list) : [11, 34, 26, 57, 92]Output of the list after right rotate by 2 : [57, 92, 11, 34, 26]Output of the list after left rotate by 1 : [92, 11, 34, 26, 57]
Using The Numpy Module
Define the list and give the particular index.
Print the output list.
A list 'number' is created and assigned the values 1, 2, 4, 10, 18 and 83. The variable i is set to 1. The np.roll() function from the NumPy library is then used on the list number with an argument of i which shifts each element in the list by 1 index position (the first element becomes last).
import numpy as npif __name__ == '__main__': number = [1, 2, 4, 10, 18, 83] i = 1 x = np.roll(number, i) print(x)
[83 1 2 4 10 18]
Print the output.
The following program uses the deque data structure from the collections module to rotate a list. The original list is printed, then it rotates left by 3 and prints out the new rotated list. It then rotates right (back to its original position) by 3 and prints out the resulting list.
from collections import dequelist_1 = [31, 84, 76, 97, 82]print ("Primary list : " + str(list_1))list_1 = deque(list_1)list_1.rotate(-3)list_1 = list(list_1)print ("Output list after left rotate by 3 : " + str(list_1))list_1 = deque(list_1)list_1.rotate(3)list_1 = list(list_1)print ("Output list after right rotate by 3(back to primary list) : "+ str(list_1))
Primary list : [31, 84, 76, 97, 82]Output list after left rotate by 3 : [97, 82, 31, 84, 76]Output list after right rotate by 3(back to primary list) : [31, 84, 76, 97, 82]