Double Star (**)是Python中的算术运算符(如+,-,*,**,/,//,%)。幂运算符是它的另一个名称。
What Order/Precedence Do Arithmetic Operators Take?
The rules for both Arithmetic operators and Mathematical operators are same, which are as follows: exponential is run first, followed by multiplication and division, and then addition and subtraction.
Following are the priority orders of arithmetic operators used in decreasing mode −
() >> ** >> * >> / >> // >> % >> + >> -
Using ** As Exponentiation Operator:
以下程序使用 ** 运算符作为表达式中的幂运算符 −
# using the double asterisk operator as an exponential operatorx = 2y = 4# getting exponential value of x raised to the power yresult_1 = x**y# printing the value of x raised to the power yprint("result_1: ", result_1)# getting the resultant value according to the# Precedence of Arithmetic Operatorsresult_2 = 4 * (3 ** 2) + 6 * (2 ** 2 - 5)print("result_2: ", result_2)
On executing, the above program will generate the following output −
<font face="Liberation Mono, Consolas, Menlo, Courier, monospace"><span style="font-size: 14px;">result_1: 16result_2: 30</span></font>
Using **As Arguments in Functions and Methods:
下面的程序展示了在用户定义的函数中使用kwargs的方法 -
# creating a function that prints the dictionary of names.def newfunction(**kwargs): # traversing through the key-value pairs if the dictionary for key, value in kwargs.items(): # formatting the key, values of a dictionary # using format() and printing it print("My favorite {} is {}".format(key, value))# calling the function by passing the any number of argumentsnewfunction(language_1="Python", language_2="Java", language_3="C++")
On executing, the above program will generate the following output −
My favorite language_1 is PythonMy favorite language_2 is JavaMy favorite language_3 is C++
This article taught us about Python's ** operator. We learned about the precedence of operators in the Python compiler, as well as how to utilize the ** operator, which functions like a kwargs and may accept any amount of arguments for a function and is also used to calculate the power.