使用 React 构建测验应用程序
在本教程中,我们将引导您使用 react 构建一个有趣的交互式测验网站。这个项目是初学者练习在 react 中处理用户输入、管理状态和渲染动态内容的好方法。
├── public├── src│ ├── components│ │ ├── quiz.jsx│ │ ├── question.jsx│ ├── app.jsx│ ├── app.css│ ├── index.js│ └── index.css├── package.json└── readme.md
import { useeffect, usestate } from "react";import result from "./result";import question from "./question";const data = [ { question: "what is the capital of france?", options: ["paris", "berlin", "madrid", "rome"], answer: "paris", }, { question: "what is the capital of germany?", options: ["berlin", "munich", "frankfurt", "hamburg"], answer: "berlin", }, { question: "what is the capital of spain?", options: ["madrid", "barcelona", "seville", "valencia"], answer: "madrid", }, { question: "what is the capital of italy?", options: ["rome", "milan", "naples", "turin"], answer: "rome", }, { question: "what is the capital of the united kingdom?", options: ["london", "manchester", "liverpool", "birmingham"], answer: "london", }, { question: "what is the capital of canada?", options: ["ottawa", "toronto", "vancouver", "montreal"], answer: "ottawa", }, { question: "what is the capital of australia?", options: ["canberra", "sydney", "melbourne", "brisbane"], answer: "canberra", }, { question: "what is the capital of japan?", options: ["tokyo", "osaka", "kyoto", "nagoya"], answer: "tokyo", }, { question: "what is the capital of china?", options: ["beijing", "shanghai", "guangzhou", "shenzhen"], answer: "beijing", }, { question: "what is the capital of russia?", options: ["moscow", "saint petersburg", "novosibirsk", "yekaterinburg"], answer: "moscow", }, { question: "what is the capital of india?", options: ["new delhi", "mumbai", "bangalore", "chennai"], answer: "new delhi", }, { question: "what is the capital of brazil?", options: ["brasilia", "rio de janeiro", "sao paulo", "salvador"], answer: "brasilia", }, { question: "what is the capital of mexico?", options: ["mexico city", "guadalajara", "monterrey", "tijuana"], answer: "mexico city", }, { question: "what is the capital of south africa?", options: ["pretoria", "johannesburg", "cape town", "durban"], answer: "pretoria", }, { question: "what is the capital of egypt?", options: ["cairo", "alexandria", "giza", "luxor"], answer: "cairo", }, { question: "what is the capital of turkey?", options: ["ankara", "istanbul", "izmir", "antalya"], answer: "ankara", }, { question: "what is the capital of argentina?", options: ["buenos aires", "cordoba", "rosario", "mendoza"], answer: "buenos aires", }, { question: "what is the capital of nigeria?", options: ["abuja", "lagos", "kano", "ibadan"], answer: "abuja", }, { question: "what is the capital of saudi arabia?", options: ["riyadh", "jeddah", "mecca", "medina"], answer: "riyadh", }, { question: "what is the capital of indonesia?", options: ["jakarta", "surabaya", "bandung", "medan"], answer: "jakarta", }, { question: "what is the capital of thailand?", options: ["bangkok", "chiang mai", "phuket", "pattaya"], answer: "bangkok", }, { question: "what is the capital of malaysia?", options: ["kuala lumpur", "george town", "johor bahru", "malacca"], answer: "kuala lumpur", }, { question: "what is the capital of the philippines?", options: ["manila", "cebu city", "davao city", "quezon city"], answer: "manila", }, { question: "what is the capital of vietnam?", options: ["hanoi", "ho chi minh city", "da nang", "hai phong"], answer: "hanoi", }, { question: "what is the capital of south korea?", options: ["seoul", "busan", "incheon", "daegu"], answer: "seoul", },];const quiz = () => { const [currentquestion, setcurrentquestion] = usestate(0); const [score, setscore] = usestate(0); const [showresult, setshowresult] = usestate(false); const [timer, settimer] = usestate(30); const [shownextbutton, setshownextbutton] = usestate(true); useeffect(() => { if (timer === 0) { handlenext(); } const timerid = settimeout(() => settimer(timer - 1), 1000); return () => cleartimeout(timerid); }, [timer]); const handleanswer = (selectedoption) => { if (selectedoption === data[currentquestion].answer) { setscore(score + 1); } setshownextbutton(true); // show the next button after answering }; const handlenext = () => { const nextquestion = currentquestion + 1; if (nextquestion ; } return ( <div classname="quiz"><div classname="countandtime"><div classname="questionnumber"> question : {currentquestion + 1} <b>/</b> {data.length} </div> <div classname="timer">time left : {timer} seconds</div></div> <question question="{data[currentquestion].question}" options="{data[currentquestion].options}" onanswer="{handleanswer}" onnext="{handlenext}" shownextbutton="{shownextbutton}"></question></div> );};export default quiz;
const question = ({ question, options, onanswer, onnext, shownextbutton }) => { return ( <div classname="question"> <h2>{question}</h2> {options.map((option, index) => ( <button classname="option" key="{index}" onclick="{()"> onanswer(option)}> {option} </button> ))} {shownextbutton && <button classname="next" onclick="{onnext}">next </button>} </div> );};export default question;
该组件采用 data 属性,其中包括问题及其选项,并动态呈现它。 handleanswer 函数处理所选选项。
app 组件管理布局并渲染 quiz 组件。
import quiz from "./components/quiz";import "./app.css";import logo from "./assets/images/quizlogo.png";const app = () => { return ( <div classname="app"> @@##@@ <quiz></quiz><p classname="footer">made with ❤️ by abhishek gurjar</p> </div> );};export default app;
const result = ({ score, totalquestion }) => { return ( <div classname="result"> <h2>quiz complete</h2> <p>your score is {score} out of {totalquestion}</p> </div> );}export default result;
在此组件中,分数和问题总数作为 props 传递。根据分数,该组件向用户显示一条消息,要么表扬他们正确回答所有问题,要么鼓励他们继续练习。这种动态反馈可以帮助用户了解他们的表现。
css 样式
css 确保测验的布局干净简单。它设计测验组件的样式并提供用户友好的视觉效果。
* { box-sizing: border-box;}body { background-color: #cce2c2; color: black; margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: sans-serif;}.app { width: 100%; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: flex-start; flex-direction: column;}.app img { margin: 50px;}/* quiz */.quiz { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; width: 60%; margin: 0 auto;}.countandtime { display: flex; align-items: center; gap: 300px;}.questionnumber { font-size: 20px; background-color: #fec33d; padding: 10px; border-radius: 10px; font-weight: bold;}.timer { font-size: 18px; background-color: #44b845; color: white; padding: 10px; border-radius: 10px; font-weight: bold;}/* question */.question { margin-top: 20px;}.question h2 { background-color: #eaf0e7; width: 690px; padding: 30px; border-radius: 10px;}.question .option { display: flex; margin-block: 20px; flex-direction: column; align-items: flex-start; background-color: #eaf0e7; padding: 20px; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 18px; width: 690px;}.question .next { font-size: 25px; color: white; background-color: #35bd3a; border: none; padding: 10px; width: 100px; border-radius: 10px; margin-left: 590px;}/* result */.result { border-radius: 19px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; flex-direction: column; width: 500px; height: 300px; margin-top: 140px; background-color: #35bd3a; color: white;}.result h2{ font-size: 40px;}.result p{ font-size: 25px;}.footer { margin: 40px;}
git clone https://github.com/abhishekgurjar-in/quiz-website.gitcd quiz-websitenpm installnpm start
这将启动开发服务器,并且应用程序将在 http://localhost:3000 上运行。
这个测验网站对于希望提高 react 技能的初学者来说是一个出色的项目。它提供了一种引人入胜的方式来练习管理状态、呈现动态内容和处理用户输入。
abhishek gurjar 是一位 web 开发人员,热衷于构建交互式且引人入胜的 web 应用程序。您可以在 github 上关注他的工作。