
Python - 使用切片获取最后K个列表项的总和

百变鹏仔 1个月前 (01-19) #Python
文章标签 切片



To find the sum of the last K items in a list, we can follow a simple algorithm:

  • 接受列表和K的值作为输入。

  • 使用切片操作符从列表中提取最后K个项目。


  • 计算提取项目的总和。

  • Return the sum as the output.




  • start (optional): The index of the element where the slice should start. If not provided, it defaults to the beginning of the sequence.

  • end(可选):切片应该结束的元素的索引(不包括)。如果未提供,则默认为序列的末尾。

  • step (optional): The step or increment value for selecting elements. If not provided, it defaults to 1.

The start, end and step values can be positive or negative integers, allowing you to traverse the sequence in both forward and backward directions.



In the below example, we have a list my_list containing 10 elements. We want to find the sum of the last 4 items in the list. By using the slice operator [-K:], we specify the range from the fourth−to−last element to the end of the list. The sum() function then calculates the sum of the extracted elements, resulting in 280.

my_list = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]K = 4sum_of_last_k = sum(my_list[-K:])print("Sum of last", K, "items:", sum_of_last_k)


Sum of last 4 items: 340



在下面的示例中,我们从collections模块导入deque类,并将所需的最大长度(maxlen)指定为N。通过将numbers列表和maxlen=N传递给deque,我们创建一个仅保留最后N个元素的deque对象。使用list(tail_elements)将deque对象转换为列表,可以获得尾部元素[6, 7, 8, 9, 10]。

from collections import dequenumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]N = 5tail_elements = deque(numbers, maxlen=N)print(list(tail_elements))


[6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

Example 3: Using the islice function from the itertools module

The islice function from the itertools module allows you to extract a specific subsequence from an iterable, such as a list or string, by providing the start, stop, and step values.

In the below example, we import the islice function from the itertools module. By passing the numbers list along with the start, stop, and step values to islice(numbers, start, stop, step), we extract the desired subsequence [6, 8, 10]. Converting the result to a list using list(islice(...)) enables us to print the subsequence

from itertools import islicenumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]start = 5stop = 10step = 2subsequence = list(islice(numbers, start, stop, step))print(subsequence)


[6, 8, 10]

