One Sample T-Test是一种统计假设检验,用于确定总体均值是否与假设值显著不同。Python为我们提供了进行这个检验所需的资源。在本文中,我们将介绍如何使用SciPy库在Python中进行一样本T检验。
Assuming that we have a set of data and a hypothesized value for the population mean, we can perform a One Sample T-Test to determine whether the population mean is significantly different from the hypothesized value. Here are the steps to conduct a One Sample T-Test in Python using the SciPy library −
Importing the essential libraries will be the first step. To perform the One Sample T-Test in Python, we need to import the NumPy and SciPy libraries. While statistical operations are carried out using the SciPy library, mathematical operations are carried out using the NumPy library.
import numpy as npfrom scipy.stats import ttest_1samp
Step 2: Load the Data
data = np.loadtxt('data.txt')
hypothesized_value = 50
Step 4: Perform the One Sample T-Test
We are now prepared to run the One Sample T-Test. The SciPy library's ttest_1samp() function can be used to run the One Sample T-Test. The data and the hypothesised value are the two arguments that the ttest_1samp() function requires.
t_statistic, p_value = ttest_1samp(data, hypothesized_value)
Step 5: Interpret the Results
if p_value <r print null hypothesis else: to reject><p>如果p值小于0.05,我们拒绝零假设,并得出结论,总体均值与假设值存在显著差异。如果p值大于或等于0.05,我们无法拒绝零假设,并得出结论,总体均值与假设值没有显著差异。</p><p>单样本T检验假设数据服从正态分布,这一点很重要。如果数据不服从正态分布,我们可能需要使用不同的统计检验方法,比如Wilcoxon符号秩检验。单样本T检验还假设数据是独立的,并且是随机从总体中抽取的。如果某些假设条件不满足,测试结果可能不准确。</p><h3>带有代码和输出的示例</h3><p>这是一个使用SciPy库在Python中进行单样本T检验的示例 -</p><p>Let's say we have a set of information that includes the weights of a sample of apples. We wish to determine if the population mean apple weight deviates significantly from 100 grammes. Using Python, we can perform a One Sample T-Test as follows −</p><pre class="brush:python;toolbar:false;">import numpy as npfrom scipy.stats import ttest_1samp# Load the datadata = np.array([98, 102, 95, 105, 99, 101, 97, 103, 100, 98])# Define the hypothesized valuehypothesized_value = 100# Perform the One Sample T-Testt_statistic, p_value = ttest_1samp(data, hypothesized_value)# Interpret the resultsif p_value <h3>输出</h3><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">Fail to Reject Null Hypothesis
Because the p-value in this instance is higher than 0.05, we are unable to rule out the null hypothesis. We conclude that, at the 0.05 level of significance, there is no difference between the population mean weight of apples and 100 grams.