我想从 mwparserfromhell 库返回的 wiki 链接中提取数据。例如,我想解析以下字符串:
[[file:warszawa, ul. freta 16 20170516 002.jpg|thumb|upright=1.18|[[maria skłodowska-curie museum|birthplace]] of marie curie, at 16 freta street, in [[warsaw]], [[poland]].]]
如果我使用字符 | 分割字符串,则它不起作用,因为图像描述中也有一个使用 | 的链接: [[玛丽亚·斯克沃多夫斯卡-居里博物馆|出生地]]。
import rewiki_code = "[[File:Warszawa, ul. Freta 16 20170516 002.jpg|thumb|upright=1.18|[[Maria Skłodowska-Curie Museum|Birthplace]] of Marie Curie, at 16 Freta Street, in [[Warsaw]], [[Poland]].]]"# Remove [[File: at the begining of the stringprefix = "[[File:"if (wiki_code.startswith(prefix)): wiki_code = wiki_code[len(prefix):]# Remove ]] at the end of the stringsuffix = "]]"if (wiki_code.endswith(suffix)): wiki_code = wiki_code[:-len(suffix)]# Replace links with theirlink_pattern = re.compile(r'[[.*?]]')matches = link_pattern.findall(wiki_code)for match in matches: content = match[2:-2] arr = content.split("|") label = arr[-1] wiki_code = wiki_code.replace(match, label)print(wiki_code.split("|"))
.filter_wikilinks() 返回的链接是 wikilink 类,该类具有 title 和 text 属性。
这些返回为 wikicode对象。
>>> import mwparserfromhell>>> import re>>> wikitext = mwparserfromhell.parse('[[File:Warszawa, ul. Freta 16 20170516 002.jpg|thumb|upright=1.18|[[Maria Skłodowska-Curie Museum|Birthplace]] of Marie Curie, at 16 Freta Street, in [[Warsaw]], [[Poland]].]]')>>> image_link = wikitext.filter_wikilinks()[0]>>> image_link'[[File:Warszawa, ul. Freta 16 20170516 002.jpg|thumb|upright=1.18|[[Maria Skłodowska-Curie Museum|Birthplace]] of Marie Curie, at 16 Freta Street, in [[Warsaw]], [[Poland]].]]'>>> image_link.title'File:Warszawa, ul. Freta 16 20170516 002.jpg'>>> text = str(image_link.text)>>> text'thumb|upright=1.18|[[Maria Skłodowska-Curie Museum|Birthplace]] of Marie Curie, at 16 Freta Street, in [[Warsaw]], [[Poland]].'>>> other_fragments = re.match(r'([^[]|]*|)+', text)>>> other_fragments<re.match object span="(0," match="thumb|upright=1.18|">>>> other_fragments.span(0)[1]19>>> text[19:]'[[Maria Skłodowska-Curie Museum|Birthplace]] of Marie Curie, at 16 Freta Street, in [[Warsaw]], [[Poland]].'</re.match>