在 Python 中使用 Factory-Boy 生成假批量数据
在本文中,我们将使用 python 中的 factory-boy 包来生成假数据。
请确保使用命令 pip installfactory-boy==2.12.0 安装正确版本的factory-boy让我们尝试使用 factory boy 生成一些假数据
import factory #import factory-boyname = factory.faker('name') #create faker object with 'name' providerfor _ in range(5): print(name.generate()) #generate and print 5 unique names
factory.faker() 接受一个称为provider 的参数,用于生成数据类型,例如“name”provider 将用于生成名称,“email”provider 将用于生成电子邮件等。
import factory #import factory-boyname = factory.faker('name') #create faker object with 'name' providercountry = factory.faker('country') #create faker object with 'country' provideremail = factory.faker('email') #create faker object with 'email' providerfor _ in range(3): print(f'''my name is {name.generate()}i live in {country.generate()}reach out to me at {email.generate()}''')
import factory #import factory-boy moduleimport factory.fuzzy #import fuzzy modulename = factory.faker('name') #create faker object with 'name' providergender = factory.fuzzy.fuzzychoice(choices=['girl','boy']) #create fuzzychoice object which selects from the given optionsgrade = factory.fuzzy.fuzzyfloat(30,80) #create fuzzyfloat object which generates a random float number between the lower and upper limitage = factory.fuzzy.fuzzyinteger(12,18) #create fuzzyinteger object which generates a random float numbeer between the lower and upper limitfor _ in range(3): print(f'''my name is {name.generate()}, i am a {gender.fuzz()} i got a grade of {grade.fuzz():.2f}% and my age is {age.fuzz()}''')
要了解有关模糊模块中不同类的更多信息以及 faker 提供者的各种选项,请访问:https://factoryboy.readthedocs.io/en/stable
现在我们知道了 factory-boy 如何模仿数据,让我们尝试模仿通常用于为 flask、django 等应用程序创建数据库表的数据模型。
对于这个项目,创建一个requirements.txt并粘贴以下内容,然后使用pip3 install -rrequirements.txt安装所有必需的包
# pin dependancies that might cause breakagewerkzeug==2.1.2sqlalchemy==1.4.46# dependencies for this projectflask==2.1.2flask-sqlalchemy==2.5.1# testing dependenciesnose==1.3.7pinocchio==0.4.3coverage==6.3.2factory-boy==2.12.0pylint==2.14.0
由于我们将使用 nosetest 运行单元测试,请查看我之前的文章 - “使用 unittest 和 nose 在 python 中进行测试驱动开发” (https://dev.to/h4ck3rd33p/test-driven-development-in-python-使用-unittest-and-nosetest-24ck)
[nosetests]verbosity=2with-spec=1spec-color=1with-coverage=1cover-erase=1cover-package=models[coverage:report]show_missing = true
现在创建两个文件夹模型,其中包含 account.py 中的数据模型和 __init__.py 中的基本设置,以及包含工厂模型的测试,该工厂模型将模仿factories.py中的实际模型以及用于测试的相关单元测试test_account.py 中的应用程序.
.├── models│ ├── account.py│ └── __init__.py├── requirements.txt├── setup.cfg└── tests ├── factories.py └── test_account.py2 directories, 6 files
假设我们需要测试一个处理客户帐户的数据模型。我们将从创建这个数据模型开始。我们将使用一种名为 sqlalchemy 的流行对象关系映射器,因此我们创建 sqlalchemy 类的数据库实例。现在我们构建我们的模型。我们创建一个名为 accounts 的类,它继承自 sqlalchemy 的基本模型。现在我们可以添加列,这些列将表示为类变量。我们添加一个id。它将作为非信息承载键,因此我们将 id 标记为主键。我们将名称添加为字符串,将电子邮件字段添加为字符串。我们还添加电话号码作为字符串。我们将该电话号码设置为可选,因此我们将 nullable 设置为 true。让我们添加一个布尔字段来确定该帐户是否被禁用,并将默认值设置为 false。最后,我们将添加一个日期连接列作为 datetime 并将其设置为可选。
模型 > __init__.py
"""data models"""from flask import flaskfrom flask_sqlalchemy import sqlalchemyapp = flask(__name__)app.config['sqlalchemy_track_modifications'] = falseapp.config['sqlalchemy_database_uri'] = 'sqlite:///test.db'db = sqlalchemy(app)
模型 > account.py
"""account class"""import loggingfrom sqlalchemy.sql import funcfrom models import dblogger = logging.getlogger()class datavalidationerror(exception): """used for an data validation errors when deserializing"""class account(db.model): """ class that represents an account """ id = db.column(db.integer, primary_key=true) name = db.column(db.string(64)) email = db.column(db.string(64)) phone_number = db.column(db.string(32), nullable=true) disabled = db.column(db.boolean(), nullable=false, default=false) date_joined = db.column(db.date, nullable=false, server_default=func.now()) def __repr__(self): return '<account %r>' % self.name def to_dict(self) -> dict: """serializes the class as a dictionary""" return {c.name: getattr(self, c.name) for c in self.__table__.columns} def from_dict(self, data: dict) -> none: """sets attributes from a dictionary""" for key, value in data.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def create(self): """creates a account to the database""" logger.info("creating %s", self.name) db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() def update(self): """updates a account to the database""" logger.info("saving %s", self.name) if not self.id: raise datavalidationerror("update called with empty id field") db.session.commit() def delete(self): """removes a account from the data store""" logger.info("deleting %s", self.name) db.session.delete(self) db.session.commit() ################################################## # class methods ################################################## @classmethod def all(cls) -> list: """returns all of the accounts in the database""" logger.info("processing all accounts") return cls.query.all() @classmethod def find(cls, account_id: int): """finds a account by it's id :param account_id: the id of the account to find :type account_id: int :return: an instance with the account_id, or none if not found :rtype: account """ logger.info("processing lookup for id %s ...", account_id) return cls.query.get(account_id)
现在让我们创建模仿原始 account 类的假类。我们将其命名为 accountfactory。还创建一个内部类 meta 并创建一个属性模型并将其设置为 account,这将使 factory-boy 确切地知道它必须模仿哪个数据类,因此 accountfactory 现在将自动拥有 account 类具有的所有方法。
测试 > 工厂.py
"""accountfactory class using factoryboy"""import factoryfrom datetime import datefrom factory.fuzzy import fuzzychoice, fuzzydatefrom models.account import accountclass accountfactory(factory.factory): """ creates fake accounts """ class meta: model = account id = factory.sequence(lambda n: n) name = factory.faker("name") email = factory.faker("email") phone_number = factory.faker("phone_number") disabled = fuzzychoice(choices=[true, false]) date_joined = fuzzydate(date(2008, 1, 1))
id = factory.sequence(lambda n: n) 将生成连续的数字序列 0,1,2...
现在让我们编写单元测试来测试我们的 accountfactory
测试 > test_account.py
"""Test Cases TestAccountModel"""from random import randrangefrom unittest import TestCasefrom models import dbfrom models.account import Account, DataValidationErrorfrom factories import AccountFactoryclass TestAccountModel(TestCase): """Test Account Model""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): #Runs before running any unit test """ Create table """ db.create_all() # make our sqlalchemy tables @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): #Runs after running all the tests """Delete test data and Disconnext from database""" db.session.query(Account).delete() db.session.close() def setUp(self): #Runs before running every individual test """Drop the table""" db.session.query(Account).delete() db.session.commit() def tearDown(self): #Runs after ruunning every individual test """Remove the session""" db.session.remove() ###################################################################### # T E S T C A S E S ###################################################################### def test_create_all_accounts(self): """ Test creating multiple Accounts """ for _ in range(10): account = AccountFactory() account.create() self.assertEqual(len(Account.all()), 10) def test_create_an_account(self): """ Test Account creation using known data """ account = AccountFactory() account.create() self.assertEqual(len(Account.all()), 1) def test_repr(self): """Test the representation of an account""" account = Account() account.name = "Foo" self.assertEqual(str(account), "<Account 'Foo'>") def test_to_dict(self): """ Test account to dict """ account = AccountFactory() result = account.to_dict() self.assertEqual(account.name, result["name"]) self.assertEqual(account.email, result["email"]) self.assertEqual(account.phone_number, result["phone_number"]) self.assertEqual(account.disabled, result["disabled"]) self.assertEqual(account.date_joined, result["date_joined"]) def test_from_dict(self): """ Test account from dict """ data = AccountFactory().to_dict() account = Account() account.from_dict(data) self.assertEqual(account.name, data["name"]) self.assertEqual(account.email, data["email"]) self.assertEqual(account.phone_number, data["phone_number"]) self.assertEqual(account.disabled, data["disabled"]) def test_update_an_account(self): """ Test Account update using known data """ account = AccountFactory() account.create() self.assertIsNotNone(account.id) account.name = "Rumpelstiltskin" account.update() found = Account.find(account.id) self.assertEqual(found.name, account.name) self.assertIsNotNone(account.id) account.name = "Rumpelstiltskin" account.update() found = Account.find(account.id) self.assertEqual(found.name, account.name) def test_invalid_id_on_update(self): """ Test invalid ID update """ account = AccountFactory() account.id = None self.assertRaises(DataValidationError, account.update) def test_delete_an_account(self): """ Test Account update using known data """ account = AccountFactory() account.create() self.assertEqual(len(Account.all()), 1) account.delete() self.assertEqual(len(Account.all()), 0)
恭喜!所有测试用例都已通过,因此我们可以得出结论,我们的 accountfactory 与 account 类完全相同,并且已使用 factory-boy 使用虚假数据测试了应用程序!