

百变鹏仔 2个月前 (01-14) #Python
文章标签 算术

如果您是 python 新手,了解基本操作、数据类型和条件逻辑至关重要。让我们回顾一下一些基本主题。我们将通过示例探讨每个主题。

第 1 章:算术运算符


*multiply4 * 1040
+addition7 + 916
-subtract23 - 419
/division27 / 39
**power3 ** 29
%modulo7 % 43


# multiplicationresult = 4 * 10print(result)  # output: 40# additiontotal = 7 + 9print(total)  # output: 16# powersquared = 3 ** 2print(squared)  # output: 9


# define total spend amounttotal_spend = 3150.96print(total_spend)  # output: 3150.96

第 2 章:数据类型和集合

在 python 中,您有多种存储数据的方法,每种方法都适合不同类型的任务。

  1. 字符串:用于文本。您可以使用单引号或双引号定义字符串。

    # defining a stringcustomer_name = 'george boorman'print(customer_name)# double quotes also workcustomer_name = "george boorman"
  2. 列表:列表是可以包含多个值的有序集合。

    # creating a listprices = [10, 20, 30, 15, 25, 35]# accessing the first itemprint(prices[0])  # output: 10
  3. 字典:字典存储键值对,允许您根据键查找值。

    # creating a dictionaryproducts_dict = {    "ag32": 10,    "ht91": 20,    "pl65": 30,    "os31": 15,    "kb07": 25,    "tr48": 35}# accessing a value by keyprint(products_dict["ag32"])  # output: 10
  4. 集合和元组:


    # creating a setprices_set = {10, 20, 30, 15, 25, 35}# creating a tupleprices_tuple = (10, 20, 30, 15, 25, 35)

第 3 章:条件关键字

python 包含几个用于评估条件的关键字,这对于代码中的决策至关重要。

andevaluate if multiple conditions are true
orevaluate if one or more conditions are true
incheck if a value exists in a data structure
notevaluate if a value is not in a data structure


  1. 使用和
   age = 25   income = 50000   # check if both conditions are true   if age > 20 and income > 30000:       print("eligible for loan")
  1. 使用或
   day = "sunday"   weather = "sunny"   # check if either condition is true   if day == "saturday" or weather == "sunny":       print("let's go to the park!")
  1. 用于
   fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]   # check if a value is in the list   if "apple" in fruits:       print("apple is available.")
  1. 不使用
   vegetables = ["carrot", "potato", "spinach"]   # Check if a value is not in the list   if "broccoli" not in vegetables:       print("Broccoli is not in the list.")


本概述涵盖了 python 中算术运算、各种数据类型和条件关键字的基础知识。这些基本概念将帮助您构建更复杂的程序。