
Python 中的条件逻辑:增强技能的示例

百变鹏仔 2个月前 (01-14) #Python
文章标签 示例

条件逻辑允许程序根据某些条件做出决策。它允许您的代码根据条件是 true 还是 false 采取不同的操作。这些决定使用条件语句,例如 if、elif 和 else。

number = 5if number > 0:    print("positive")elif number < 0:    print("negative")else:    print("zero")
year = 2024  if (year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0) or (year % 400 == 0):    print("leap year")else:    print("not a leap year")
number = 10 if number % 2 == 0:    print("even")else:    print("odd")
age = 20if age >= 18:    print("eligible to vote")else:    print("not eligible to vote")
number = 25  if number % 5 == 0:    print("divisible by 5")else:    print("not divisible by 5")
input_string = ""  if not input_string:    print("empty string")else:    print("non-empty string")
number = 21  if number % 3 == 0 and number % 7 == 0:    print("multiple of both 3 and 7")else:    print("not a multiple of both 3 and 7")
number = 15  if 10 < number < 20:    print("between 10 and 20")else:    print("not between 10 and 20")
letter = 'a'  if letter in 'aeiouaeiou':    print("vowel")else:    print("consonant")
number = 150   if number >= 100:    print("greater than or equal to 100")else:    print("less than 100")
input_string = "hello, world!"   if input_string.startswith("h"):    print("starts with h")else:    print("does not start with h")
number = 16  # example number to checkif int(number ** 0.5) ** 2 == number:    print("perfect square")else:    print("not a perfect square")
my_dict = {'name': 'John', 'age': 25}  # Example dictionaryif "name" in my_dict:    print("Key 'name' exists")else:    print("Key 'name' does not exist")