
如何使用 CSS 在项目列表之间动态添加逗号?

百变鹏仔 5个月前 (09-20) #CSS
文章标签 逗号

Lists that contains multiple items are frequently used in websites, and separating them with commas can help enhance readability and user experience. The conventional method of adding commas to lists is to do add them manually. However as you might have already guessed this can be an arduous and time-consuming process, particularly for long lists. Fortunately, the ability to add commas dynamically to lists of items with CSS is an excellent solution.

~ Selector

在CSS中,~选择器用于选择在HTML DOM中位于所需元素之前的所有元素。


el1~el2 {   css declarations}

In this context, "el1" symbolizes the preceding component of the fellow components, whereas "el2" represents the subsequent fellow components located in a shared parental unit.

For example, a ~ ul, selects every

    element preceded by the element.



    The ::before selector is used to insert come content before the selected element.


    el::before {   css declarations}

    Here, el is the element that the ::before pseudo-element will be applied to. The ::before pseudo-element is preceded by two colons (::) to distinguish it from the :before pseudo-class, which is an older syntax that is still supported for backward compatibility.




    The approach to add commas between a list of items dynamically with CSS involves the use of a pseudo-element called ::before that can insert content before the selected element. In this case, we target the li elements within a ul list and add a comma before each one using the ::before selector. This method allows us to avoid manually adding commas to the list and automate the process with CSS. Additionally, we can use the display and flex-wrap properties to arrange the list items and ensure they wrap to a new line if necessary. Finally, we can use JavaScript to add and remove list items dynamically.





    <!DOCTYPE html><html><head>   <style>      .items {         display: flex;         list-style: none;         padding: 0;         flex-wrap: wrap      }      .item~.item::before {         content: ", ";      }   </style></head><body>   <h4>How to Add Commas Between a List of Items Dynamically with CSS?</h4>   <div>      <ul class="items">         <li class="item">Eggs</li>         <li class="item">Bread</li>      </ul>   </div>   <div>      <button onclick="addItem()">Add Item</button>      <button onclick="removeItem()">Remove Item</button>   </div>   <script>      function removeItem(){         let items=document.querySelectorAll('.item');         let idx=Math.floor(Math.random()*items.length);         items[idx].remove();      }      function addItem(){         let itemList=document.querySelector(".items");         let item=document.createElement("li");         item.innerText="Item!";         item.className="item";         itemList.append(item);      }   </script></body></html>

