
如何使用 CSS 的 Flexbox 属性使 <div> 居中?

百变鹏仔 4周前 (09-20) #CSS
文章标签 如何使用

We can center a

in css using justify-content property and align-item property of flexbox. They are popular because they are responsive and easy to use. In this article, we shall learn how to center
using the Flexbox properties.

使用 align-items 和 justify-content 属性


  • justify-content属性会水平居中对齐div。


  • align-items属性将div垂直居中对齐。

If you want to center align only in one direction, i.e., either vertically or horizontally, we should use only one among the properties we mentioned.

Use the align-items and the justify-contents to center align the child horizontally and vertically.


<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><style>   .parent{      border: 2px solid green;      height:30vh;      width:30vw;      display: flex;      flex-direction: row;      justify-content: center;      align-items: center;      background-color: orange;   }   .child{      border: 2px solid red;      height:10vh;      width:10vw;      background-color: yellow;   }</style></head><body>   <div class="parent">      <div class="child">         This is the child element.      </div>   </div></body></html>
  • In the code, the parent element is a green-bordered orange box with a height of 30% of the viewport height and a width of 30% of the viewport width.The parent is centered both horizontally and vertically with the help of "display: flex", "flex-direction: row", "justify-content: center" and "align-items: center."

  • 要使用align-items和justify-content,我们首先需要使用display属性声明元素为flexbox。子元素是一个高度为视口高度的10%、宽度为视口宽度的10%的带有红色边框的黄色盒子,放置在父元素内部。


