
使用 CSS 使 Div 可垂直滚动

百变鹏仔 5个月前 (09-20) #CSS
文章标签 CSS


在本文中,我们将了解如何使 div 垂直滚动以及我们将使用什么属性来实现此目的。








在此示例中,我们将声明一个 div,然后编写一个段落,我们将在其中添加溢出属性以使 div 垂直滚动。

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head>   <title>Example of vertically scrollable div</title>   <style>      h2 {         color: Green;      }      .scrl {         padding: 3px;         color: white;         margin: 2px, 2px;         background-color: black;         height: 118px;         overflow-x: hidden;         color: white;         overflow-y: auto;         text-align: justify;         width: 489px;      }   </style></head><body>   <center>      <h2>Hi! This an example of the vertically scrollable div</h2>      <div class="scrl">This is an example of the vertically scrollable          div many beginner coders need the help of some articles or some sort of tutorials         to write there code. There are many instances in which the coder might need help         or can be stuck on a particular question. The community of coders is very huge          and is ready to help everyone at anywhere and at whatever time. The coding community         will help the coder to enhance his skills and his fluency in code. The coder can          choose a language to write his or her code depending on his interest as every          language has its own expertise and functions.      </div>   </center></body></html>

在上面的代码中,我们使用了溢出属性,并将其 x 轴更改为隐藏,将 y 轴更改为可见,这为我们在此处编写的段落中提供了一个垂直可滚动条。让我们看看执行代码所得到的输出。


注意 - 当我们使用overflow属性时,需要指定“块元素”的元素,否则可能无法工作。由于该属性主要用于剪辑内容或添加可滚动条(无论是垂直还是水平),因为正在使用的内容太大而无法容纳指定区域。




<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head>   <title> Another Example of vertically scrollable div</title>   <style>      .scrlr {         margin: 4px;         padding: 4px;         color: white;         background-color: black;         width: 488px;         height: 118px;         margin: 4px;         text-align: justify;         overflow: auto;         width: 488px;         text-align: justify;      }      h2 {         color: Red;      }   </style></head><body>   <center>      <h2>Hi! This another example of the verticallly scrollable div</h2>      <div class="scrlr">This is an example of the vertically scrollable div         many beginner coders need the help of some articles or some sort of tutorials to         write there code. There are many instances in which the coder might need help or         can be stuck on a particular question. The community of coders is very huge and         is ready to help everyone at anywhere and at whatever time. The coding community         will help the coder to enhance his skills and his fluency in code. The coder can         choose a language to write his or her code depending on his interest as every         language has its own expertise and functions.      </div>   </center></body></html>




overflow 属性被广泛使用,以便在内容占用大量空间时剪辑内容。或者,如果我们想添加一个滚动条供用户向下滚动,从而减少其在网页上占用的整体空间。

在本文中,我们了解了如何使用溢出属性以及如何在 div 上添加垂直滚动条,以及有关溢出属性中使用的值的更多信息。