

百变鹏仔 5个月前 (09-19) #CSS
文章标签 背景图片

CSS的background-image属性用于指定背景图像。您可以尝试运行以下代码来设置背景图片 -



<html>   <head>      <style>         #demo {            border: 5px dashed red;            padding: 10px;            background-image: url("");         }      </style>   </head>   <body>      <div id="demo">         <h1></h1>         <p>Tutorials Point originated from the idea that there exists a class of readers who respond better to online content and prefer to learn new skills at            their own pace from the comforts of their drawing rooms. The journey commenced with a single tutorial on HTML in 2006 and elated by the response it generated,            we worked our way to adding fresh tutorials to our repository which now proudly flaunts a wealth of tutorials and allied articles on            topics ranging from programming languages to web designing to academics and much more..</p>      </div>   </body></html>