
CSS 中的逻辑属性

百变鹏仔 4周前 (09-19) #CSS
文章标签 属性




  • Block dimension − The block dimension represents the perpendicular direction of the content flow. For example, in English text direction is left to right. So, block dimensions handle the top and bottom of the element.


  • 内联尺寸 - 内联尺寸表示与内容或文本方向相同的方向。对于英语来说,左侧和右侧是内联尺寸。

Let’s look at some commonly used logical properties in CSS.

  • Border-block − 它设置了上下边框。

  • Border-inline − 设置左右边框。

  • Border-block-start − It sets the top border.

  • Border-block-end − 它设置了底部边框。

  • Margin-inline − It sets the left and right margins.

  • Padding-inline − It sets the left and right padding.

  • Padding-inline-start − It sets the left padding.

  • Margin-inline-end − It sets the bottom padding.

  • Border-inline-end-width − 它设置右边框的宽度。

  • Border-block-start-style − 它设置了顶部边框的样式。

In the above properties, users can observe that we require to use ‘block’ for top and bottom and ‘inline’ for left and right. Also, ‘start’ for left and top, and ‘end’ for right and bottom.



有时候,我们需要为HTML元素设置左右边距。我们可以使用margin属性的'0 auto'值来实现,或者分别使用margin-left和margin-right的CSS属性。当使用'0 auto'时,如果之前已经应用了上下边距的值,我们也会改变它们的值。因此,最好使用'margin-inline'的CSS属性。

margin: 0 auto;ormargin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;ormargin-inline: auto;


Users can follow the syntax below to use logical properties in CSS.

padding-block-start: value;margin-inline-end: value;





<html><head>   <style>      .text {         padding-block-start: 20px;         padding-inline-start: 30px;         margin-block-end: 50px;         color: green;         background-color: red;         width: 300px;         font-size: 2rem;      }      .text1 {         width: 300px;         font-size: 2rem;         padding-block-start: 20px;         padding-inline-start: 10px;         margin-inline-end: 50px;         color: blue;         background-color: yellow;      }   </style></head><body>   <h3> Using the <i> margins and paddings logical properties </i> in CSS </h3>   <div class = "text"> This is a text. </div>   <div class = "text1"> This is another text div element. </div></body></html>

Example 2

In the example below, we have demonstrated the logical CSS properties related to the border. We used the ‘border-block-start’ to apply the top border and the ‘border-block-end’ to apply the bottom border. Furthermore, we used the ‘border-inline-start’ to apply the left border and ‘border-inline-end’ to apply the right border.

In the output, users can observe the different borders for the different sides of the div element.

<html><head>   <style>      .sample {         border-block-start: 3px dotted blue;         border-block-end: 5px solid green;         border-inline-start: 10px double red;         border-inline-end: 5px groove yellow;         padding: 10px;         width: 300px;         height: 200px;      }      .left {color: red;}      .right {color: yellow;}      .top {color: blue;}      .bottom {color: green;}   </style></head><body>   <h2> Using the <i> Logical border </i> properties in CSS </h2>   <div class = "sample">      Observe the border of the div.      <p class = "left"> border inline start </p>      <p class = "right"> border inline end </p>      <p class = "top"> border block start </p>      <p class = "bottom"> border block end </p>   </div></body></html>

Example 3



In the example below, we applied the CSS logical properties related to the margin and padding in the flexbox. Here, we have created three div elements inside the container div element. After that, we used the ‘padding-inline’ to apply right and left padding in the container div element.

<html><head>   <style>      .container {         display: flex;         flex-direction: row;         justify-content: space-between;         padding-inline: 40px;         width: 500px;         background-color: bisque;         font-size: 2rem;      }      .item {flex: 1;}   </style></head><body>   <h3> Using the <i> margin-inline property </i> to set the inline margin </h3>   <div class = "container">      <div class = "item"> First </div>      <div class = "item"> second </div>      <div class = "item"> Third </div>   </div></body></html>
