

百变鹏仔 4个月前 (10-18) #H5教程
文章标签 路线图


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       }                /**         * 开始绘图         */        function initSprits() {            /* 绘制路线的白底 */             ctxBackground.beginPath();             ctxBackground.strokeStyle = "white";               ctxBackground.lineWidth = 8;               ctxBackground.lineCap = "round";               ctxBackground.lineJoin = "miter";               ctxBackground.miterLimit = 30;               for(var i=1; i < arrPosX.length; i++){                   ctxBackground.moveTo(canvasWidth * arrPosX[i-1], canvasHeight * arrPosY[i-1]);   //指定一条线段的起点                      ctxBackground.lineTo(canvasWidth * arrPosX[i],     canvasHeight * arrPosY[i]);     //指定一条线段的终点                }               ctxBackground.stroke();              /* 绘制路线的红线 */             ctxBackground.beginPath();                                             //是通过覆盖白底实现的               ctxBackground.strokeStyle = "rgba(255,0,0,1)";               ctxBackground.lineWidth = 4;               ctxBackground.lineCap = "round";               ctxBackground.lineJoin = "miter"; 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i < arrRoundPosX.length; i++){                 ctxSource.lineTo(canvasWidth * arrRoundPosX[i],     canvasHeight * arrRoundPosY[i]);     //指定一条线段的终点                }               ctxSource.lineTo(canvasWidth * arrRoundPosX[0],     canvasHeight * arrRoundPosY[0]);              ctxSource.closePath();            ctxSource.fill();            ctxSource.restore();  ;                                scaleCount++;            runCount++;            if(scaleCount % scaleInterval == 0){                scale += 0.1;            }        }                /**         * 设置标题和图片的长宽高和跳动频率         */        function start(){            $("#monitor_list_box").width = canvasWidth + "px";            $("#monitor_list_box").height = canvasHeight + "px";            $("#canvasBackground").width = canvasWidth + "px";            $("#canvasBackground").height = canvasHeight + "px";            $("#canvasSource").width = canvasWidth + "px";            $("#canvasSource").height = canvasHeight + "px";            window.setInterval(loop,1000/30); 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